ElectriCities Connections Summit 2021 – Virtual

Customer expectations and technology are changing how utilities do business. Join us for an interactive conference focused on how utility staff and technology drive the customer experience. Conference sessions cover a […]

TechAdvantage 2021

2021 NRECA PowerXchange and TechAdvantage Experience Online February 23 - March 4, 2021 Where NRECA’s annual meeting of members and THE technology event for electric co-op professionals meet—online.  https://www.cooperative.com/conferences-education/meetings/powerxchange-and-techAdvantage-experience/Pages/default.aspx?types=expo Drop […]

APPA Engineering & Operations Conference

The TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics tool will be presented at the Getting Ahead of Distribution Problems with Grid Edge Analytics session during the American Public Power Association Engineering and Operations Virtual Conference on March 24, 2021 at 2:30 p.m.  Join Tantalus in our virtual booth for more information and to schedule a virtual demonstration. To learn […]

Inflection 2021: Materials, Industrials, Agriculture and Power in an Era of Sustainability Conference

Peter Londa, President & CEO of Tantalus Systems (TSXV:GRID), will open the Power Technology session of Cormark’s Inflection 2021: Materials, Industrials, Agriculture and Power in an Era of Sustainability Conference.  For further details on the conference, please contact Cormark Securities at https://cormark.com/Contact#RegionalOffices.  This conference is by invitation only to institutional investors.

NAI Interactive – Investing in Innovation

GCFF Virtual Conference 2021 Finding the next major market mover means looking at innovative companies that are beginning their journey today! Innovative advancements in computing, healthcare,clean energy and technology have […]