TRUGrid™ Automation Suite

The TRUGrid Automation suite of applications and analytics tools leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to pinpoint anomalies from power quality data to isolate failing assets and provide utilities with proactive insights to resolve vulnerabilities as they arise.

Data-centric approach to improving the operations of a utility

TRUGrid Automation helps electric utilities harden their grid by avoiding unnecessary outages, reducing operational expenses and improving customer satisfaction. The TRUGrid Automation suite includes software applications and data analytics that are powered by data captured from connected devices located across the entire distribution grid. 

TRUGrid Automation incorporates a suite of analytics tools and software applications to deliver results, including:

  • TRUGrid Reliability – a data analytics tool that leverages power quality data accessed through Tantalus’  TRUConnect™ AMI solution to help utilities identify failing assets deployed throughout an electric distribution grid that can lead to power outages or potential fires. 
  • TRUGrid Transformer – a data analytics tool that visualizes real-time transformer data across the grid, so utilities can identify voltage issues, sags and swells, and how many hours a transformer has been under- or over-loaded. Through the analytics tool, utilities determine when it is time to replace or repair a transformer and prevent catastrophic outages. 
  • TRUGrid SCADA – a distributed client/server supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system that supports multiple front-end processors, servers, and operator workstations. It offers real-time distribution grid monitoring and control of field area network devices. 
  • TRUGrid Restore – a software application that works to restore power to electric customers using connectivity models and feeder conditions to automatically locate and isolate faults to reduce the duration of power outages. 
  • TRUGrid Mitigate – a software application that allows electric utilities to manage distribution systems and assets effectively, safely and rapidly to mitigate the risks of wildfires, extreme weather events or natural disasters by automating the control schema of distribution reclosers. Integrating TRUGrid Mitigate with existing reclosers, local climate information and wildfire severity forecasts allows the utility to be ready for those challenging conditions at a moment’s notice
  • Closed Loop Voltage Reduction (CLVR™) – a software application that monitors voltage data from a set of monitored meters and serves that data to a SCADA system for the control of electrical feeder voltage. CLVR provides voltage values and alarms and does not issue commands to the SCADA system. This software application utilizes the TRUConnect Edge Module as well as the TRUConnect Network to deliver the data and conditions to the user interface and then the SCADA system where decisions can be automated to either raise or lower voltage based on the information from the TRUConnect Edge Module. 
  • Distribution Automation Bridge Modems – intelligent, connected devices that utilize TRUConnect to communicate serially with DNP3.0 distribution automation equipment across the distribution grid. The DA Bridge Modem is a physical device that can be co-located inside the cabinet of the distribution automation equipment that enables communication over the TRUConnect Network.  
  • TRUTrack™ – a highly accurate electric transformer metering and monitoring device designed for an electric utility to address issues quickly and cost-effectively, such as energy diversion and theft, tampering and asset management. TRUTrack is a meter socket with pre-attached wiring used to connect directly to an existing transformer. 

Benefits Include:

  • Real-time visibility, command and control across the entire grid
  • Voltage reduction/monitoring, including peak shaving cost reduction
  • Reduced outage times and increased system uptime for customer satisfaction
  • Proactive maintenance, including right-of-way vegetation management
  • More effective crew management
  • Easy integration of renewable resources
  • Enhanced safety for communities and utility workers

TRUGrid Automation works seamlessly alongside our TRUSense Gateway™, to allow utilities to cost-effectively connect existing meters to TRUSync™ Grid Data Management to benefit from real-time visibility into grid data from the substation to meters and to devices located behind-the-meter.