2021 Smart(er) Grid Series – Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Hear Tantalus present at the NWPPA 2021 Smart(er) Grid Series - Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Implementing AMI opens the door to new value opportunities for utilities and their customers. While the upfront cost is high and a significant resource commitment will be required, the long-term value can be substantial. It is up to each utility to […]

2021 Smart(er) Grid Series – Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Hear Tantalus present at the NWPPA 2021 Smart(er) Grid Series - Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Implementing AMI opens the door to new value opportunities for utilities and their customers. While the upfront cost is high and a significant resource commitment will be required, the long-term value can be substantial. It is up to each utility to […]

Fiber Connect 2021

The leading optical fiber business & technology event in North America As the need for gigabit connectivity grows, so too does the Fiber Connect Conference & Exhibition. The 2021 edition of the event will offer new and unique opportunities for business development, market development, technology demonstration and peer-group interaction. The event will feature executives from […]

CARILEC Engineering & Procurement Conference & Exhibition

CARILEC's Engineering & Procurement Conference and Exhibition is the Caribbean region’s premier technical forum for reporting on the latest trends, challenges, best practices in engineering and procurement.  The conference fosters deeper understanding on the global technological developments and scientific advancements by simultaneously equating with the pace of science, technology, and business areas in the fields […]

Webinar | Utilities and Fiber to the Home – Drive more From your Investment

In this webinar we will show utilities how to simultaneously leverage your FTTH deployment to deliver consumer services like high speed internet access while also improving grid operations. Connect to, monitor and control distributed energy resources (DERs), obtain high speed voltage and metering data and real-time phase identification – all of these smart grid benefits […]

Canaccord Genuity’s 41st Annual Growth Conference

August 11th at 3 pm ET:  Peter Londa, President & CEO will present at Canaccord Genuity’s 41st Annual Growth Conference.  Please register to listen to the live webinar presentation at: Register here > Canaccord presentation > A replay of the presentation will be available for 90 days.

ElectriCities of North Carolina Annual Conference

Join Tantalus at the 2021 ElectriCities Annual Conference at the Sonesta Resort - Hilton Head Island, S.C., for a program focused on evolving challenges impacting public power communities including leading through change, economic development, new technologies, and workforce development. Please contact John O'Leary,  503-962-0417, or Brenda Guthrie, 937-546-7860, to schedule an appointment at our booth […]

UMMA’s 2021 Summer Meeting

Please join Tantalus' Chris Christensen (cchristensen@tantalus.com) at the Upper Midwest Metering Associations (UMMA) 2021 Summer Meeting at the Radisson Hotel, August 18-20 in La Crosse, WI. The UMMA is a group of utility metering supervisors, managers, meter technicians, & meter readers who are advancing the industry. Established in 1995, members come from the smallest and […]

Webinar | An Introduction to Smart Grid Solutions

Utilities are under substantial pressure to “keep the lights on” despite disruptions from extreme weather, mandates to decarbonize and the adoption of electric vehicles and roof-top solar panels by consumers. Despite these disruptions, utilities are expected to deliver safe, reliable and affordable services while relying on distribution grids that were not designed to meet the […]

Webinar | Explore Funding Solutions with Tantalus

Explore Funding Solutions with Tantalus Thursday, September 16, 2021 | 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM PT Join Tantalus for an update on the Federal funding opportunities available for utilities, the different funding mechanisms, which of those are most appropriate for your project(s) and how to successfully apply for those funds. Don’t let the access […]

CARILEC Renewable Energy & Smart Grid Conference & Trade Show

Theme: Remodeling the Future: Stronger. Greener. Smarter What does a stronger, greener, and smarter energy future look like for our energy markets? Against the triple imperatives of economics, climate resilience and […]